Hello All!
Here it is! The agenda for our annual joint Fox River Valley SAF Chapter/GLTPA meeting is attached. We would love to have everyone attend, and all are welcome! We plan on having a good discussion on the current state of EAB within Wisconsin, the silviculture, and markets that go with it.
I need a headcount for lunch, so please RSVP yes or no for the meeting here, by September 25th: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CWCY8YH
The meeting has been approved for 4.5 Cooperating Forester Continuing Education Hours, 4 Category 1 (CF) CFE Credits, and 4 SFI Credit Hours. If you wish to obtain CFE credits from the meeting, please send me an email with your full name and address, so I can print the certificates out beforehand!
Feel free to pass this email along to anyone you think would be interested. We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting! If you have any questions, please let me know.
Nick Holmes