Executive Committee members for WISAF, updated 1/2025.
Chair | Melinda Vokoun | mvokoun@UWSP.edu |
Chair-Elect | VACANT | |
Immediate Past-Chair | Brad Hutnik | bradley.hutnik@wisconsin.gov |
Secretary | VACANT | ———- |
Treasurer | Gary Vander Wyst | GaryVanderWyst50@gmail.com |
District V Representative | Amanda Marchel | |
Awards | Christel Kern | christel.c.kern@usda.gov |
Communications | Josh Coady | joshcoady13@gmail.com |
Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame | Jan Harms | jan.harms@charter.net |
Education & Training | Vacant | Contact Chair |
Foresters’ Fund | Paul Doruska | Paul.Doruska@uwsp.edu |
Forestry/Conservation Hall of Fame | Jim Kerkman | highknollroad59@gmail.com |
Governor’s Council on Forestry | Jim Kerkman | highknollroad59@gmail.com |
Historian | Vacant | |
Membership | Liz Wood | Elizabeth.Wood@wisconsin.gov |
NRCS | Vacant | |
Policy & Legislation | Tom Hittle | tom.hittle@steigerwaldt.com |
Programs | Paul DeLong | pdelong@forestfoundation.org |
Forest Science & Technology | Brad Hutnik | bradley.hutnik@wi.gov |
North | Chad Kirschbaum | cdkirschbaum@yahoo.com |
South | Joe Kies | joseph.kies@domtar.com |
UW Madison Student Chapter | Megan Hart | mhart8@wisc.edu |
UWSP Student Chapter | Amanda Krieg | akrie053@uwsp.edu |