Wisconsin SAF Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Schmeekle Reserve
Stevens Point, WI
Southwest Wisconsin Chapter Report
1. The SW Chapter had a successful meeting “Managing Today’s Forests for
Future Risks”, Feb 21 in Spring Green. The meeting focused on learning
about the potential risks associated with forest management in a changing
climate and what we as foresters can do about it.
a. Attendance: 40 (19 SAF members, 2 new member sign ups)
2. The next Chapter meeting is scheduled July 25, 2018.
a. Title: Utilizing Fire as a Tool for Managing Oak Ecosystems
b. When: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
c. Where: Stoddard / Dahir Property, Highland WI and Dodger Bowl,
Dodgeville, WI
d. What: This meeting is a field tour and afternoon meeting cosponsored
by Forest Stewards Guild, TNC, and The Tall Grass Prairie
and Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium. A “Save The Date” flier has
been distributed, registration will be available soon. Attendance is
open to all, price to be determined for non SAF members
Download a PDF of these meeting minutes: WISAF SW Chapter Minutes 6/7/18.