The UW-Stevens Point student chapter held weekly meetings throughout the fall semester. The hosted guest speakers including Jim Furnish, Mike Dombeck, and Todd Ernster (city of Stevens Point Forester). Officer elections were held at the end of the fall semester and the gavel has been passed to Logan Jones, the new President of the UWSP SAF Chapter. Here is a list of the other 2016 officers (pdf).
Students participated in various learning opportunities over the fall semester. Opportunities for learning outside of class included a Tigerton mill tour, cruising stick workshop, tree removal project, work on Karner Blue Butterfly restoration with Fire Crew and Society of Ecological Restoration (jack pine removal), and Wood-Mizer workshop.
Five UWSP students attend the 2015 National SAF Convention in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They attended a variety of presentations, participated in a geocaching activity, and got to network with people in the field.
Pulp cut took place over the fall semester with about 90 students completing the chainsaw safety and operation training and cutting wood over the course of 4 weekends during the fall semester. Other semester activities included a joint picnic with Fire Crew, Broomball (foresters and fire crew vs. wildlife and fisheries society), highway cleanup, tree walks, basic skills refreshers, weekly forestry knowledge, majors night and involvement fair.
The UWSP Woodland Sports team hosted a Woodchuck Games at the Central Wisconsin Environmental Station on a rather rainy Saturday in October. Teams from Minnesota, Iowa State, and Fox Valley Technical College got to learn from professionals and compete.
The annual CNR Career Fair and UWSP Forestry Banquet will be held on February 11, 2016 from 6:30-9:30 pm in the Laird Room of the Dreyfus University Center on campus.