D.C. Everest
Inducted September 26, 1987
Plaque Engraving:
D.C. Everest, a leader in the early forestry programs of Wisconsin and an outstanding conservationist is recognized for his major role in the development of Wisconsin forestry from 1925-1952. Associated with the Marathon Corporation, Rothschild, he gave unsparingly of his time and ability to further Wisconsin forestry.
He chaired the first forestry conference in 1928 in Milwaukee where he was an early advocate of the multiple use of the forest and outlined his vision of a strong forest based industry protecting and restoring Wisconsin’s forests.
He served with distinction as a charter member of the Wisconsin Forestry Advisory Council from 1948-1953 and his leadership was instrumental in formulating policies and legislation providing the foundation and program direction to Wisconsin’s current forestry program.
More about D.C. Everest:
C. Everest, chairman of the board, Marathon Corporation, Rothschild, Wisconsin, played a very substantial role in Wisconsin’s forestry program from 1925-1952. His first major contribution dates to 1925 when he presented a definite and clear-cut program outlining several key program elements needed to restore the forests of the state from the fire, neglect, and harvesting of three decades. Everest proposed the establishment of a statewide system of forest fire protection to permit timber to be insured and further that the cost be assessed against the forest landowner; worked for support of a constitutional amendment to provide special timber growing taxation resulting in the Forest Crop law in 1927; and a program of reforestation of state lands with the establishment of state-run tree nurseries. His support for these programs was not popular but Everest held strong to his philosophy.
In 1948, Everest was appointed as a charter member of the Wisconsin Forestry Advisory Council to the then Wisconsin Conservation Commission. He served with distinction from 1948- 1955. D. C. Everest’s leadership was again called upon to chair the Wisconsin Silver Anniversary Forestry Conference held in Milwaukee in November, 1953.