Raymond Guries
(born 1943)
Inducted September 12, 2018
Plaque Engraving:
Professor Ray Guries made substantial contributions to the forestry profession through his teaching, student advising, and research. Ray’s experience in forest genetics and tree breeding helped guide the Wisconsin Forest Tree Improvement Program for many years. Many of Ray’s former students went on the become leaders in forest conservation and management, thereby perpetuating his legacy as a mentor and a scholar.
More about Raymond Guries:
Raymond (Ray) Guries spent his career as a professor of Forestry at University of Wisconsin-Madison in what is now called the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology. Guries is well known for his expertise in forest genetics and the selection and breeding of Dutch elm disease (DED) resistant elms. ‘New Horizon’ elm, one of Guries’ DED resistant selections, is among the most popular and commonly planted boulevard trees in Wisconsin where it can be found in virtually every city and village.
Guries engagement in forestry education was both broad and deep. It involved both formal instruction duties at the university as well as numerous presentations to diverse audiences on topics relating to forestry, forest genetics, urban forestry, forest conservation, forest land tenure and related subjects.
Guries served as student academic advisor for hundreds of students at the UW. Most professors serve in this role, but Guries embodied it. Many students shared stories like the following, “Ray’s compassion for his students, his candor, and his lifelong friendship are things I know to be embedded within his character. His counsel and desire to create opportunities for students had no limits. He always gave his time freely to help a student succeed even when they were not sure why they were being helped. Ray invested a great deal of time on me and it provided me with the most fulfilling career I could have hoped for. I am eternally grateful for his influence on my life.” Brian Beisel (UW-Madison forestry student: 1977-1981).
Guries’ induction plaque contains the following statement: Professor Ray Guries made substantial contributions to the forestry profession through his teaching, student advising, and research. Ray’s expertise in forest genetics and tree breeding helped guide the Wisconsin Forest Tree Improvement Program for many years. Many of Ray’s former students went on to become leaders in forest conservation and management, thereby perpetuating his legacy as a mentor and a scholar.